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Partnership - 06/05/2015

Sequoiasoft: new partnership with UMIH ACHATS

Sequoiasoft: new partnership with UMIH achats platform

Sequoiasoft is now referenced by UMIH ACHATS (Hospitality Trades and Industries Union) for 2015. UMIH is the number one professional organisation devoted to cafés, hotels, restaurants, evening and independent establishments in France.

This alliance makes Sequoiasoft ever more present among hotel and restaurant professionals, and adds to the company's privileged partnerships with the likes of Logis, IdéHotel - SEH (InterHôtel, Relais du Silence, Ptit Dej Hôtel, Qualys Hôtel), Châteaux & Hôtels Collection and Cadhi.

With this agreement, Sequoiasoft gives members of these partner sites the opportunity to benefit from numerous advantages, highly-personalised service and attentive support.