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Hot topics - 16/05/2016

5-star hotels choose Sequoiasoft

Sequoiasoft plébiscité par les hôtels 5 étoiles

"High expectations" and "attention to detail" are two phrases that perfectly depict the hospitality industry, and this is truer than ever of luxury hospitality and 5-star hotels. Our hospitality software and property management systems meet the expectations of 5* hotels, both for overnight stay reservation and restaurant and spa management.

They use our products - Winhôtel, Winrestau, and Nymphéa - for their marketing, booking and management purposes.

With our management and booking software, we're proud to serve 5* establishments and Michelin-star restaurants every day. Here's a selection of them:

Sequoiasoft currently equips over 4000 hotels, restaurants, spas and holiday residences in France and elsewhere.