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Innovation - 03/03/2017

Resalys booking process: authenticate CGOS and CNAS members with ease

prise de réservation resalys : authentifiez adhérent CGOS CNAS facilement

New to Resalys Version 7.12. It is now possible to call a web service that authenticates CGOS and CNAS* members based on their membership number, during the booking process in the back office.

Once this module is activated, the CGOS or CNAS membership base is then queried in real time when the membership number is entered. The names, dates of birth and contact details of members and their families are retrieved automatically.

For more details about how the module works, please get in touch with your Resalys Support consultant. Alternatively, consult the wiki to find out straight away!

(*CGOS and CNAS are social work associations based in France.)