How to set up automatic fees to be applied to bank card transactions in Resalys You can set up automatic fees based on card payments received in Resalys.
How to set up automatic fees to be applied to bank card transactions in Resalys
You can set up automatic fees based on card payments received in Resalys.
The rate of these fees will correspond to a percentage of the payment value. An automatically added item will bear the turnover generated by each transaction.
You can set an applicable rate for each of your payment gateways, which will be a percentage of the payment value (e.g. 1.5%).
The benefit: this setting will apply by default when a payment is entered using this gateway, based on the selected card type. The percentage can still be changed manually when the payment is entered.
In a booking record, if the available payment gateway has been set up with the fee as a product item, the rate will be calculated automatically.
If there are direct debit instalments yet to be debited from the card, such as the settlement payment, the % fee will apply to every instalment.
For more information about setting up these fees, visit the online help page, which indicates the process to follow. We encourage you to get in touch with your Support consultant for personalised assistance during the setup process.